Prof. Gerard C. Rowe

Juristische Fakultät


Prof. Gerard C. Rowe BA LLB MTCP (Syd), LLM (Yale)

Prof. em. für Öffentliches Recht, Verwaltungsrecht, Umweltrecht, Kommunalrecht, Rechtsvergleichung und ökonomische Analyse des Rechts / Prof. em. of Public, Administrative, Environmental and Local Governmment Law, Comparative Law and Economic Analysis of Law

Chair, Academic Board, Master of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (LLL-IHL)


Sommersemester 2025

Lecture Series, Summer Semester - Introduction to the Common Law

Titel der Lehrveranstaltung/Title of subject: An Introduction to the Common Law - Part II — Lecture Series (in English)

Name des Dozenten/Teacher: Prof. Gerard C. Rowe, BA LLB MTCP LLM

Zeit/Timetable: Block lecture series; various (see timetable)

Ort/Place: noch bekanntzugeben/to be notified (see timetable)

Beginn/Starting date: 05.06.2025, Donnerstag/Thursday 14:00 s.t.

Please note: All sessions will begin at the exact time noted (s.t.), not 15 minutes later.


Thu/Donnerstag, 05.06.2025, 14:00-18:00 Uhr, GD 04

Fri/Freitag, 06.06.2025, 9:00 - 13:00 Uhr & 14:00-16:00 Uhr GD 04

Wed/Mittwoch, 09.07.2025, 9:15 - 13:00 Uhr HG 104 & 14:00-18:00 Uhr GD 202

Thu/Donnerstag, 10.07.2025, 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr HG 162

Fri/Freitag, 9:15-13:00 Uhr & 14:00-16:00 Uhr GD 202

Exam, to be notified

Teilnahmevoraussetzungen/Conditions of participation: The lecture series is in principle open
to all students in all faculties and programmes.

For law students it falls within SPB 1, Module III (old); it also provides a Zusatzqualifikation for
law students. It is also especially suitable for students in the MES and MEPS programmes.

Good ability in English is desirable in order to be able to understand the lectures and read the
recommended literature. The active participation of all students is be expected.

Participants do not need to register in advance but simply come to the first lecture.

There is a written exam (120 minutes) available to all participants, conducted at an agreed time
in the final teaching weeks of the semester.

Gegenstand der Lehrveranstaltung/ Subject of the lectures: The ‘common law’ is the label
applied to many legal systems around the world which derive originally from, or have been
influenced by, the law and legal system of England. This occurred largely as a result of the
process of colonisation and its political, legal, and institutional consequences. The name
‘common law’ points not only to deep historical origins (reaching back to the 11th century and
before), but also to the type of law and legal institutions found in the legal systems concerned.
Most especially, the term ‘common law’ refers to a particular legal methodology and culture
which is distinguished generally from other legal traditions and families (such as Romanic/Civil
Law, Islamic Law, Talmudic Law, and numerous customary legal traditions). The common law
can, without fear of exaggeration, be said to be one of the most significant legal traditions of
the world, in regard to its methodology, effectiveness, and international spread, being found
importantly in the British Isles, Australia, the United States, Canada, New Zealand and India as
well as many other countries. This lecture series will provide an understanding of the basic
elements of the common law tradition, drawing attention also to differences which have
developed between common law countries themselves.

Part II of this introductory course is a continuation of Part I (offered in the Winter Semesters
and focussed on foundations and aspects of public law). It is not necessary to have participated
in Part I of this introductory course in order to attend this sequel. In Part II participants will be
introduced to selected substantive areas of private law, in particular property, torts, and
contract law. A knowledge and understanding of the common law will assist comparative legal
studies and contribute to a better understanding of one’s own legal system. Such an
introduction will also provide a preparation for international legal activity which may occur in a
wide range of legal or business careers. The material covered is also of interest to non-law
students in fields such as history, political science, economics, international relations and
cultural studies. Some aspects of British constitutional law are briefly addressed also in Part II,
casting light upon, among other things, current political and legal debates and controversies in,
for example, current politico-legel developments in the United States and related institutional
issues. Certain background will also be incidentally provided to the recent Brexit process of the
UK and to aspects of the relationship of the UK to the European Union.

The lecture series provides an opportunity to develop specialised English language and
vocabulary skills.

Literatur: Alan B. Morrison (ed.), Fundamentals of American Law (1996); William P. Fishback, A
Manual of Elementary Law — Being a Summary of the Fundamental Principles of American Law
(1997); Mary-Anne Glendon, Comparative Legal Traditions in a Nutshell (1999); Lawrence M.
Friedman, American Law — An Introduction (1998); Howard Abadinsky, Law and Justice — An
Introduction to the American Legal System (1998); Gerard C. Rowe, Reflections on the
Common Law — Relating it to the European Context, in: Beichelt/Choluj/Rowe/Wagener (eds),
Europa–Studien — Eine Einführung (1st ed., 2006) 289–310.
Materials on Moodle platform: go to
for the outline of lectures, detailed bibliography and selected readings.
ECTS: 4 (special ECTS requirements for particular study programmes may be agreed upon with
the teacher where necessary).


Wintersemester 2024-25

Lecture Series, Winter Semester - Introduction to the Common Law

Titel der Lehrveranstaltung/Title of subject: An Introduction to the Common Law - Part I — Lecture Series (in English)

Name des Dozenten/Teacher: Prof. Gerard C. Rowe, BA LLB MTCP LLM

Zeit/Timetable: Block lecture series; various (see timetable)

Ort/Place: noch bekanntzugeben/to be notified (see timetable)

Beginn/Starting date: Tuesday, 26 November 2024, 16:00


Screenshot 2024-09-25 145815

TEILNAHMEVORAUSSETZUNGEN/CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION: The lecture series is in principle open to all
students in all faculties and programmes. It provides a Zusatzqualifikation for law students. It is also
especially suitable for students in the MES and MEPS programmes, and for Erasmus and other
exchange students.
Good ability in English is desirable in order to be able to understand the lectures, for reading the
recommended literature, and for success in the optional examination. The active participation of all
students is be expected.

Attendance at all lectures is expected. Participants should register in advance via the Moodle site.
There is a written exam (120 minutes) available to all participants, conducted at an agreed time in the
final teaching weeks of the semester. Participation in the exam is restricted to students who have
attended all lectures (unless an exception has been granted in writing). Registration for the exam takes
place on the Moodle site (the period for registration will be notified to all particpants).

the legal tradition, found many legal systems around the world, which derives originally from, or have
been influenced by, the law and legal system of England. This derivation and dispersal are largely a
result of processes of colonisation and their political, legal, and institutional consequences. The name
‘Common Law’ points not only to deep historical origins in England (reaching back to the 11th century
and before), but also to the type of law and legal institutions found in all the legal systems concerned.
Most especially, the term refers to a particular legal methodology and culture which is distinguished
generally from other legal traditions and families (such as Romanic/Civil Law, Islamic Law, Talmudic
Law, and numerous tribal-customary legal traditions). The Common Law can, without fear of
exaggeration, be said to be one of the most significant legal traditions of the world, in regard to its
methodology, effectiveness, and international distribution, being found importantly in the British Isles,
Australia, the United States, Canada, New Zealand and India, as well as many other countries.
The lecture series provides an understanding of the basic elements of the Common Law tradition
including aspects of political and governmental structures and institutions, constitutional
arrangements, and judicial methodology, drawing attention also to differences which have developed
among Common Law countries themselves. It provides an introduction to selected substantive areas of
law, in particular of public law (constitutional and administrative law and regulation) and the related
systems of government. A very brief introduction to aspects of private law (property, torts and
contract law) is provided, but these fields are dealt with more extensively in the sequel lecture series
(Part II) offered in the Summer Semester.
A knowledge and understanding of the Common Law will assist comparative legal studies and
contribute to a better understanding of one’s own legal system. Such an introduction will also provide
a preparation for international legal activity which may occur in a wide range of legal or business
careers. The material covered is also of interest to non-law students in fields such as history, political
science, economics, international relations, and cultural studies. The aspects of British and US
constitutional law which are covered cast light upon, among other things, current political and legal
debates, for example, the process of the departure of the UK from the EU and its aftermath (‘Brexit’),
political and institutional conflicts in the US, and comparable matters in certain other countries.
The lecture series provides an opportunity to develop specialised English language and vocabulary

LITERATURE: Alan B. Morrison (ed.), Fundamentals of American Law (1996); William P. Fishback, A
Manual of Elementary Law — Being a Summary of the Fundamental Principles of American Law (1997);
Mary-Anne Glendon, Comparative Legal Traditions in a Nutshell (1999); Lawrence M. Friedman,
American Law — An Introduction (1998); Howard Abadinsky, Law and Justice — An Introduction to the
American Legal System (1998); Gerard C. Rowe, Reflections on the Common Law — Relating it to the
European Context, in: Beichelt/Choluj/Rowe/Wagener (eds), Europa–Studien — Eine Einführung (1st
ed., 2006) 289–310.
A detailed bibliography will be provided at the start of the series.

MATERIALS See Moodle for the outline of lectures, detailed bibliography, and selected readings.

ECTS: 4 (special additional ECTS, where required requirements for particular study programmes, can
be agreed upon with the teacher).



Sommersemester 2024

Lecture Series, Summer Semester - Introduction to the Common Law

Titel der Lehrveranstaltung/Title of subject: An Introduction to the Common Law - Part II — Lecture Series (in English)

Name des Dozenten/Teacher: Prof. Gerard C. Rowe, BA LLB MTCP LLM

Zeit/Timetable: Block lecture series; various (see timetable)

Ort/Place: noch bekanntzugeben/to be notified (see timetable)

Beginn/Starting date:

Please note: All sessions will begin at the exact time noted (s.t.), not 15 minutes later.


Monday, 03.06.2024, 16:00-20:00 Uhr, GD 05
Tuesday, 04.06.2024, 9:00 - 19:00 Uhr, GD 102
Friday, 07.06.2024, 9:00 - 19:00 Uhr, GD 05
Suturday, 08.06.2024, 9:00 - 13:00 Uhr, HG 217

Exam, 05.07.2024, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr

Teilnahmevoraussetzungen/Conditions of participation: The lecture series is in principle open to all students in all faculties and programmes.

For law students it falls within SPB 1, Module III (old); it also provides a Zusatzqualifikation for law students. It is also especially suitable for students in the MES and MEPS programmes.

Good ability in English is desirable in order to be able to understand the lectures and read the recommended literature. The active participation of all students is be expected.

Participants do not need to register in advance but simply come to the first lecture.

There is a written exam (120 minutes) available to all participants, conducted at an agreed time in the final teaching weeks of the semester.

Gegenstand der Lehrveranstaltung/ Subject of the lectures: The ‘common law’ is the label applied to many legal systems around the world which derive originally from, or have been influenced by, the law and legal system of England. This occurred largely as a result of the process of colonisation and its political, legal, and institutional consequences. The name ‘common law’ points not only to deep historical origins (reaching back to the 11th century and before), but also to the type of law and legal institutions found in the legal systems concerned. Most especially, the term ‘common law’ refers to a particular legal methodology and culture which is distinguished generally from other legal traditions and families (such as Romanic/Civil Law, Islamic Law, Talmudic Law, and numerous customary legal traditions). The common law can, without fear of exaggeration, be said to be one of the most significant legal traditions of the world, in regard to its methodology, effectiveness, and international distribution, being found importantly in the British Isles, Australia, the United States, Canada, New Zealand and India as well as many other countries. This lecture series will provide an understanding of the basic elements of the common law tradition, drawing attention also to differences which have developed between common law countries themselves.

Part II of this introductory course is a continuation of Part I (offered in the Winter Semesters and focussed on foundations and aspects of public law). It is not necessary to have participated in Part I of this introductory course in order to attend this sequel. In Part II participants will be introduced to selected substantive areas of private law, in particular property, torts, and contract law. A knowledge and understanding of the common law will assist comparative legal studies and contribute to a better understanding of one’s own legal system. Such an introduction will also provide a preparation for international legal activity which may occur in a wide range of legal or business careers. The material covered is also of interest to non-law students in fields such as history, political science, economics, international relations and cultural studies. Some aspects of British constitutional law are briefly addressed alsomin Part II, casting light upon, among other things, current political and legal debates in the Brexit process and related institutional issues.

The lecture series provides an opportunity to develop specialised English language and vocabulary skills.

Literatur: Alan B. Morrison (ed.), Fundamentals of American Law (1996); William P. Fishback, A Manual of Elementary Law — Being a Summary of the Fundamental Principles of American Law (1997); Mary-Anne Glendon, Comparative Legal Traditions in a Nutshell (1999); Lawrence M. Friedman, American Law — An Introduction (1998); Howard Abadinsky, Law and Justice — An Introduction to the American Legal System (1998); Gerard C. Rowe, Reflections on the Common  Law — Relating it to the European Context, in: Beichelt/Choluj/Rowe/Wagener (eds), Europa–Studien — Eine Einführung (1st ed., 2006) 289–310.

Materials on Moodle platform: go to for the outline of lectures, detailed bibliography and selected readings.

ECTS: 4 (special ECTS requirements for particular study programmes can be agreed upon).

Beruflicher Hintergrund / Professional Background

Chair, Academic Board, Master of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (LLM – IHL), Viadrina European University, Frankfurt (Oder). Lecture series: IHL-Module ‘Prohibition of Discrimination’; IHL Masters Thesis Preparation.

Director, International Summer School, ‘The European System of Human Rights Protection – ECHR’ (annual), Viadrina European University, Frankfurt (Oder).

Visiting Professor, Viadrina European University. Lecture series: ‘Introduction to the Common Law ― Part I’ (Winter Semesters); ‘Introduction to the Common Law ― Part II’ (Summer Semesters).

Member, Open Council of Europe Academic Networks (OCEAN), Council of Europe.

External Expert, Polish National Science Centre.

Professor für Öffentliches Recht, Verwaltungsrecht, Umweltrecht, Kommunalrecht, Rechtsvergleichung und ökonomische Analyse des Rechts / Professor of Public, Administrative, Environmental and Local Government Law, Comparative Law and Economic Analysis of Law, Juristische Fakultät, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany (1995-2015); visiting Professor (since 2015)

Chair, Academic Board, Master of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (LLL – IHL), Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany (2008-present)

Director, International Summer Course, ‘The European System of Human Rights Protection – ECHR’ Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany (1999-present)

Professeur associé, Faculté de Droit, d’Économie et de Finance, Université du Luxembourg (2005-2024)

Président, Commission Consultative Scientifique, Université du Luxembourg (2006-2018)

Fellow, Robert Schuman Institute of European Affairs, Université du Luxembourg (2016-2021)

Member, Academic Board, Master of Arts in Human Rights and Genocide Studies (joint international programme: Germany/United Kingdom/Italy/Poland) (2008-2015)

Professor of Law (visiting), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), University of Bielefeld, Germany (1999)

Research Fellow, Research Group on ‘Rational Environmental Law and Policy’, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), University of Bielefeld, Germany (1998-1999)

Erasmus Professor of Law and Economics (interim), Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg, Germany (Winter Semester 1992-1993)

Professor of Law (visiting), Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg, Germany (Winter Semester 1991-1992)

Research Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany (at Max Planck Institute for Private International and Foreign Private Law, Hamburg) (1984-1996, 1997)

Visiting Researcher, Istituto Universitario Europeo, Fiesole, Italy (1981)

Associate Professor of Law/Senior Lecturer in Law, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney (1977-2004, tenured 1982)

Lecturer (visiting), Graduate School of Planning/Department of Town and Country Planning, Faculty of Architecture, University of Sydney (1977–1984)

Lecturer (visiting), School of Town Planning, Faculty of Architecture, University of New South Wales, Sydney (1975)

Assistant Lecturer, Graduate School of Planning, University of Sydney (1975–1977)

Legal advisor, Director of Equal Opportunity in Public Employment of New South Wales, Sydney (1988-1992)

Legal representative, Counsellor for Equal Opportunity of New South Wales, Sydney (1988-1992)

Barrister at Law of the Supreme Court of New South Wales (since 1975)

University Studies

Master of Laws (LLM) (Yale University, USA), 1981

Master of Town and Country Planning (MTCP) (University of Sydney), 1977

Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (University of Sydney), 1974

Bachelor of Arts (BA) (University of Sydney), 1972

Artikel 23 GRC – Gleichheit von Frauen und Männern (Art. 23 GRC) [Art. 23 EU Charta of Fundamental Freedoms  – Equality of women and men], in: Ulrich Häde/Carsten Nowak/Matthias Pechstein (eds.), Frankfurter Kommentar zu EUV, GRC und AEUV - Band I EUV-GRC [Frankfurt Commentary on the TEU, CFR and TFEU - Vol. I TEU-CFR] (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck; 1st ed. 2017, 2nd ed. 2023)

Specialized Administrative Law of the European Union – A Sectoral Review (co-editors: Herwig CH Hofmann, Alexander H Türk) (Oxford: Oxford University 2018)

Environmental Protection, in Herwig CH Hofmann/Gerard C Rowe/Alexander H Türk (eds.), Specialized Admininstrative Law of the European Union – A Sectoral Review (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018) (co-author: André M Latour), 321-377

Basics of Antidiscrimination Law – an Essay on Some Structural and Analytic Elements, in: Markus Krajewski/Matthias Reuß/Tarik Tabbara (eds.), Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen des Rechts: Eigentum – Migration – Frieden und Solidarität – Gedächtnisschrift für Helmut Rittstieg [Societal challenges for law: property – migration – peace and solidarity – Helmut Rittstieg in memoriam] (Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2015) 332-357

Die Grundsätze der integrierten Umweltverwaltung der Europäischen Union am Beispiel des Naturschutzes [The foundations of integrated environmental administration in the European Union – the example of nature conservation] (co-author: André M Latour), in Carsten Nowak (ed.), Konsoldierung und Entwicklungsperspektiven des Europäischen Umweltrechts [Consolidation and development persectives of European environmental law] (Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2015) 427-485

Europa-Studien – Eine Einführung [European Studies – An Introduction] (co-editors: Timm Beichelt, Bożena Chołuj, Hans-Jürgen Wagener) (Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2nd ed. 2013)

Europäische Integration durch Verwaltung und Verwaltungsrecht [European Integration through Administration and Administrative Law], in: Timm Beichelt/Bożena Chołuj/Gerard C. Rowe/Hans-Jürgen Wagener (eds.), Europa-Studien – Eine Einführung [European Studies – An Introduction] (Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2nd ed. 2013) 263-280

Admininistrative Law and Policy of the European Union (co-authors: Herwig CH Hofmann, Alexander H Türk) (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011)

Eigentum im common law – Ergebnis des Zusammenspiels zwischen Besitz, Zeit und Gewissen [Property in the common law – Consequence of the interaction of possession, time and conscience], in Heinrich Amadeus Wolff/Franz-Joseph Peine (eds.), Der Kampf um das Eigentum – Festschrift für Alexander v. Brünneck [The battle over property – Festschrift for Alexander v. Brünneck] (Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2011) 343–359

Administrative Supervision of Administrative Action in the European Union, in: Herwig C H Hofmann/Alexander H Türk (eds.), European Administrative Law – The Move Towards an Integrated Administration (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2009) 179-217

Controlling Admininstrative Action – Internal Administrative Supervision in the European Union, Administrative Law Review 61 (2009) (Special Edition: Proceedings of the Fifth Administrative Law Discussion Forum, Montpellier 29-31 May 2008) 223-257

Europa-Studien – Eine Einführung [European Studies – An Introduction] (co-editors: Timm Beichelt, Bożena Chołuj, Hans-Jürgen Wagener) (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 1st ed. 2006)

Reflections on the Common Law – Relating It to the European Context, in: Timm Beichelt/Bożena Chołuj/Gerard C. Rowe/Hans-Jürgen Wagener (eds.), Europa-Studien – Eine Einführung [European Studies – An Introduction] (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 1st ed. 2006) 289–310

Tools for the Control of Political and Legal Agents – Impact Assessment and Administrative Governance in the European Union, in: Herwig C H Hofmann/Alexander H Türk (eds.), EU Administrative Governance (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2006) 529–593

Umweltrecht in Brandenburg [Environmental Law in Brandenburg], in: Alexander von Brünneck/Franz-Joseph Peine (eds.), Staats und Verwaltungsrecht für Brandenburg [State and Administrative Law for Brandenburg] (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 2004) 359–420

Servants of the People – Constitutions and States from a Principal–Agent Perspective, in: Stefan Voigt/Hans-Jürgen Wagener (eds.), Constitutions, Markets and the Law – Recent Experience in Transition Economies (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2002) 283–312

Gerechtigkeit und Effizienz im Umweltrecht – Divergenz und Konvergenz [Justice and Efficiency in Environmental Law – Divergence and Convergence], in: Erik Gawel (ed.), Effizienz im Umweltrecht – Grundsatzfragen einer wirtschaftlichen Umweltnutzung aus rechts-, wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Sicht [Efficiency in Environmental Law – Basic Questions on the Economic Use of the Environment from a Legal, Economic and Social Science Perspective] (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 2001) 303-337

Das Verursacherprinzip als Aufteilungsprinzip im Umweltrecht – Juristische und ökonomische Überlegungen auf der Basis des Coase-Theorems [The Causer-Pays-Principle as a Principle of Allocation in Environmental Law – Legal and Economic Reflections on the Basis of the Coase Theorem], in: Erik Gawel (ed.), Effizienz im Umweltrecht – Grundsatzfragen einer wirtschaftlichen Umweltnutzung aus rechts-, wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Sicht [Efficiency in Environmental Law – Basic Questions on the Economic Use of the Environment from a Legal, Economic and Social Science Perspective] (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 2001) 397-426

Wieviel Integration braucht der ‘integrierte’ Umweltschutz? – Der Weg zum integralen und integeren Umweltschutz [How Much Integration is Required by ‘Integrated’ Environmental Protection – The Achievement of Integral Environmental Protection and Enviromental Integrity], in: Erik Gawel/Gertude Lübbe-Wolff (eds.), Effizientes Umweltordnungsrecht – Kriterien und Grenzen [Efficient Environmental Regulation – Criteria and Limits] (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 2000) 205–249

Environmental Justice as an Ethical, Economic and Legal Principle, in: Klaus Bosselmann/Benjamin J Richardson (eds.), Environmental Justice and Market Mechanisms – Key Challenges for Environmental Law and Policy (Den Haag: Kluwer 1999) 58–92

Globale Umwelt – Globalisiertes Recht [Global Environment – Globalised Law], in: Rüdiger Voigt (ed.) Globalisierung des Rechts [Globalisation of Law] (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 1999) 249-304

Rechtsangleichung und Rechstdivergenz – Das Beispiel der Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung [Legal Harmonisation and Legal Divergence – The Example of Environmental Impact Assessment], in: Jürgen Basedow/Klaus J. Hopt/Hein Koetz (eds.), Festschrift für Ulrich Drobnig zum 70. Geburtstag (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 1998) 629-660

Was könnte ‘modernes Recht’ heißen? – Das Beispiel des Umweltrechts [What Could ‘Modern Law’ Mean? – The Example of Environmental Law], in: Rüdiger Voigt (ed.), Evolution des Rechts (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 1998) 155-177

Environmental Law and Policy in Australia – Text and Materials (co-author: Ross Ramsay) (Sydney: Butterworths 1995)

Contaminated Sites in Australia – Challenges for Law and Public Policy (co-editor: Stephen Seidler†) (Australian Fulbright Papers Vol. 3) (Sydney: Allen & Unwin 1993)

Responses to Contaminated Sites from the Environmental Impact Perspective, in: Gerard C Rowe/Stephen Seidler† (eds.), Contaminated Sites in Australia – Challenges for Law and Public Policy (Australian Fulbright Papers Vol. 3) (Sydney: Allen & Unwin 1993) 93–103

Sachenrechtliche Ersitzungsregelen aus ökonomischer Sicht [Proprietary Adverse Possession Rules – An Economic Analysis], Kritische Vierteljahreschrift der Geseztgebung und Rechtswissenschaft 75 (1992) 390-415

Einwanderung als gesellschaftliche Herausforderung – Inhalt und rechtliche Grundlagen einer neuen Politik [Immigration as Social Challenge – Content and Legal Foundations of a New Policy] (co-author: Helmut Rittstieg†) (Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 1991)

International Environmental Sustainability – Policy and Law, The Science of the Total Environment 108 (1991) 123-149

Suomen uusi tasa-arvolaki – oikeusvertailevia huomioita [The New Finnish Sex Discrimination Law from a Comparative Perspective], Oikeus (Helsinki) (1988), 41-55

Maynard v. Neilson – Goods and Services Discrimination Against Aboriginal People, Aboriginal Law Bulletin 2 (1988) 12-13

Different Children – Legal Responses to Discrimination in Schools, in: Richard Chisholm (ed.), Teachers, Schools and the Law in New South Wales (Sydney: University of New South Wales Press 1987) 116-148

Misunderstanding Anti-Discrimination Law – The New South Wales Court of Appeal in Reddrop, Adelaide Law Review 10 (1986) 318-340

Aspects of Australian Federalism and the European Communities Compared, in: Mauro Cappelletti/Monica Seccombe/Joseph Weiler (eds.), Integration Through Law – Europe and the American Federal Experience, Vol. I, Book 1 (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 1986) 415-511

Human Rights in Australia – National and International Legal Perspectives (co-author: Christopher W. Anderson†), Archiv des Völkerrechts 24 (1986) 56-118

Tensions in the Role of the Common Law Judge – The Problem of Formalist Reasoning and Political Activism, Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 49 (1985) 607-677


Prof. Gerard C. Rowe